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How To Make Your Curls Last Longer: Everlasting Curls in 6 Steps


Ladies and possibly gentlemen, we all know there is nothing more horrific than going to great lengths to curl your luscious locks, only for them to fall out within minutes of leaving the house. To keep you from experiencing such a traumatic event, we have a few tips to help you maintain your curls below.
Following these steps will grant you long-lasting curls that stay in place for days on end. Keep reading to discover the steps on “how to make your curls last longer”.

How to Make Your Curls Last Longer?

Step 1: Choose a good curling device

The first and most obvious step in your curling routine should be selecting a curling tool that suits your hair perfectly.
If your current curling iron makes little difference to your routine, then you’ve probably got a cheap beauty tool of poor quality.
Yes, better quality curling tools are much pricier than their cheaper counterparts; however, the former lasts longer and also gives you the perfect-looking curls you desire.
Additionally, because of the materials used in their manufacturing process, good quality irons heat up better and protect your hair from severe damage.
You’ll want to select irons made of ceramic, titanium, or tourmaline ceramic. Curling irons with these materials do less damage to your hair than normal metal.
Other things to consider when choosing your beauty tool are the components of the device. For example, a good tool will have an adjustable temperature setting. Know that if you have thicker hair, you’ll need to utilize a higher temperature than those with finer hair.

Step 2: Prepare your hair

Now that you have your tool, keep it aside and go into the shower. You’ll want to keep your hair clean before using the curler on it.
However, if you want to know how to make curls last longer, you need to wait for about two or three days after washing your hair.
Because, although you want a clean head of hair, dirtier tresses allow for longer-lasting curls. This is because the natural oils from your scalp give your hair a more natural hold and texture. As a result, your curls have a better chance of holding.
Use shampoo and conditioner that is suited to your hair type. If your hair isn’t too dry, you can opt for a light moisture shampoo and conditioner.
On the other hand, if your hair is greasy, go for a dry shampoo. Apply only a little at the roots to absorb the extra oils.
Another alternative is to completely skip using conditioner in your washing routine. This prevents your hair from being too soft, thus keeping your curls from dropping.
Subsequently, you must blow dry your hair to remove the moisture. You want your hair to be completely dry before using the heated iron on your strands.
Remember that wet hair causes your locks to frizz, burn, and make your curls fall.

Step 3: Section your hair and choose your preferred angle

The position of your curling iron will determine the types of waves you create.
To get tighter curls, you will have to point the top of your iron downwards. For looser, beach-like waves, keep your iron in a horizontal position.
Sectioning your hair into small portions is a great ‘how to make curls last longer’ tip. Curling small portions of your hair helps to keep your curls tighter and more resilient (i.e. they hold longer).

Step 4: Select the perfect temperature for your hair type

While you’re going on thinking ‘How do I make my curls last longer’ always remember to take your hair type and texture into consideration.
With your curling tool in hand, you are ready for battle.
Find your temperature setting and select a heat option that suits your hair type.
If you have thinner, finer hair, go for lower temperatures of around 160 to 180 degrees. This amount of heat stands for colour-treated hair because it helps to prevent damage and fading.
On the other hand, if you are a person with naturally thick or coarse hair, you should use higher temperatures ranging from 180 to 230 degrees.
But just because thick hair requires hotter temperatures doesn’t mean you should overdo it. An excessively hot curling iron will result in the opposite effect, causing burns and hair damage.
Furthermore, too much heat will make your curls fall faster than you can say ‘Geronimo’, so be careful.

Step 5: Let your curls cool

After creating an individual curl with your curling iron, hold the curl in your hand until it cools.
You can also hold it in place with a clip or roller while you tend to the rest of your hair. This step will aid in making your beautiful waves last longer.
Afterwards, gently let down your cool curls and run your hand through them.
Do not use a normal brush to smoothen your hair. It will only pull out your curls and ruin your new do.
If you, however, desire a beach wavy look, you can use a wide-tooth comb on your hair… but gently.

Step 6: Post care

Even after following the steps above, you should know that your work isn’t finished.
After all, knowing how to make your curls last longer is just the first step.
To set your hair for as long as possible, you should consider using a texturing spray of good quality. This kind of spray is much lighter than hairspray, and gives your waves extra hold and texture without weighing them down and making them lose their bounce.
A word of advice is to keep your hands off your hair after they cool. Tempting as it may be, touching your curls or brushing them out after curling, will make your waves drop quickly.


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